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Face Time: Up Close and Personal with Lyle Lawson

Face Time: Up Close and Personal with Lyle Lawson

Sometimes, self-care is found in simple, daily routines.

No matter who we are, where we live or how we spend our days, we all share something in common — the sense of empowerment we find when we feel confident in our skin. At Skin Pharm, we get to witness this daily — and we’re sharing those stories with you through Face Time, a Q&A series that celebrates and elevates members of our community!

Content creator Lyle Lawson loves all things fashion, beauty, health and wellness. But even with a finger on the pulse of the latest trends, her self-care practice is marked by simple, daily rituals — washing her face, making tea or spending time with family — that bring her joy.

We caught up with Lyle during her recent visit to Skin Pharm Austin!

What’s your favorite way to practice self-care?

My favorite way to practice self-care is showing up for my morning and evening routine. In the morning, after I wake up, I cleanse my skin, put on makeup and get ready for the day. I find so much joy in that. At night, I’ll wash my face, make a cup of tea and hang out with my husband and my dog.

Which Skin Pharm products can’t you live without?

Youth Serum is my number one product! I reach for it most consistently. I feel like it’s truly a drink of water for my skin. Every night when I put it on, it feels amazing. I also love the Crystal Clear pads and High Beam! I use almost all of the Skin Pharm products and think they’ve maintained my skin between treatments.

Speaking of treatments, which one has made the biggest impact on your skin?

In the long term, I think it’ll be microneedling with PRP. We’re not done with all of my sessions yet, but it’s already changing my skin for the better! For the most immediate results, though, I absolutely love the Gold Infusion.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Say no often enough to really make each yes count. My mom’s always said this, and it’s resonated with me forever! We live in a “yes” culture, but if we don’t have real passion behind what we say yes to, it’s not meaningful.

What’s the wellness hack or habit you swear by?

Ice rolling and water consumption! I swear they make the biggest difference.

What do you love most about living in Austin?

Everything! I was born here in 1996, and the city has evolved and grown as I have. I love the zest for life and energy of Austin and the community here. It’s a city full of encouraging people who want to see their peers succeed!


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