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What’s a Gold Infusion? All Your Questions, Answered!

What’s a Gold Infusion? All Your Questions, Answered!

Ready for the secret to a serious glow?

We sat down with Skin Pharm Atlanta provider and nurse practitioner, Kathryn Barnidge, to answer your most frequently asked questions about our signature Skin Pharm treatment, a Gold Infusion.

The name Gold Infusion sounds amazing. What exactly is it?

A Gold Infusion is a gentle microneedling treatment that infuses ingredients into the skin — these ingredients are customized to target specific skin goals, such as brightening, collagen stimulation, pore tightening and hydration. I describe Gold Infusions as ‘medical-grade facials,’ since they provide more impactful and prolonged results than a standard facial, but have no downtime as an event-ready treatment option. The Gold Infusion device has tiny needles that are stamped into the skin, creating portals for the infused cocktail to penetrate under the skin. The individualized cocktail always has our signature antioxidant-rich Super Serum, but can also include Dysport / Botox, hyaluronic acid filler and / or PRP (platelet-rich plasma) for added benefits. The results? Healthy, tight, bright and plump skin immediately after treatment!

I want it all! How do I choose which ingredients?

I work collaboratively with my patients to create a customized cocktail that aligns with their skin goals, concerns and budget. Here are the different ingredients and what I use them for:

  • SUPER SERUM: Brightening and clarifying, great for patients with overall skin dullness or melasma
  • DYSPORT / BOTOX: Tightening and smoothing, great for patients with underlying redness or enlarged pores
  • HYALURONIC ACID FILLER: Hydration and dewiness, great for patients who have dry skin or uneven texture
  • PRP: Collagen-boosting and healing, great for patients with fine lines or wanting enhanced anti-aging benefits

Okay, I’m in! What does treatment look like?

A Gold Infusion appointment lasts approximately 30 minutes. Our client coordinators will have you cleanse your skin upon arrival (bonus points if you arrive with a clean face!), and then your provider will assess your skin to determine the best cocktail. You’ll be numbed with a topical ointment for 10 minutes for complete comfort, and a quick blood draw will be performed if PRP is in your treatment plan. The Gold Infusion treatment itself takes about 10 minutes to stamp the cocktail into the skin, then Recovery Lotion is applied to soothe and heal the skin post-treatment.

ON THE BLOG: How to Make the Most of Your Gold Infusion Appointment >

Is it painful? What about numbing?

Not one bit! The topical numbing ensures you’re completely comfortable during treatment. Most patients describe it as a slight tapping or scratching sensation, but overall pain-free!

Is there any downtime?

Most patients leave slightly pink post-treatment, but this resolves over the next few hours. You’ll be given a post-procedure kit with products to apply the evening after treatment, but the next morning you will wake up to the ultimate glow!

Love that! How often do you recommend treating?

I typically recommend treating within a week before any event and quarterly for skin maintenance. If you’re wanting treatment before a big event (wedding, trip, presentation, graduation, baby shower, holiday, party, etc.), I recommend doing a treatment a few months prior to figure out when you love the results the most. Most people find the ‘sweet spot’ to be 2-3 days post-treatment, but some people love the results more 1-2 weeks out.

ON THE BLOG: Gold Infusion Cocktail, Anyone? >

Did you say baby shower? Is this treatment pregnancy safe?

Yes, this treatment is considered pregnancy- and breastfeeding-safe (with the Skin Pharm Super Serum +/- PRP ingredients only). That being said, I always recommend getting approval from your OB-GYN or pediatrician prior to treatment!

Okay, so the treatment is safe for most people?

Gold Infusions are an amazing treatment option for all skin types! Since the cocktail is customizable, there are multiple modifications to ensure that most patients can enjoy the benefits of this treatment. If you have significant active acne, I recommend a BBL photofacial or chemical peel instead, but circle back and make sure you get a Gold Infusion to address any scarring or hyperpigmentation later on!

Can Gold Infusions be done with other treatments?

Absolutely — I love stacking on Gold Infusions to other treatments to make the most of your appointment! Here are some of my most common gold infusion combinations:

  • GOLD INFUSION + BBL PHOTOFACIAL: Great for rosacea, sun damage, acne scarring, skin dullness, and uneven skin tone
  • GOLD INFUSION + BOTOX / DYSPORT: To address static and dynamic lines and smooth skin texture
  • GOLD INFUSION + LIP FILLER: For dewy, hydrated skin and lips — a perfect pair!
  • GOLD INFUSION + PRP INJECTIONS: For undereye brightening and skin tightening
  • GOLD INFUSION + SCULPTRA INJECTIONS: For collagen stimulation, both deep and superficial

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