How Often Should You Get a Facial for Your Skin Type?

How Often Should You Get a Facial for Your Skin Type?

Does your skin type matter when planning your cosmetic treatment schedule? Absolutely!

Understanding what kind of skin you have and how it reacts is crucial to help your skin be the best it can be. Your skin type can guide you toward the most supportive skin care routine, helping you reveal your most beautiful skin without accidentally overdoing it. Are you wondering how that all works? Don’t worry — we’re here to walk you through it! 

Okay, but why does skin type matter?

Why are we focusing so much on skin type? What does it actually tell us? Likely more than you’d think! First, here’s a quick refresher on the different skin types. Remember, everyone’s skin is unique, but we all fall at least close to one of the four “traditional” skin types. Think of it as more of a continuum.


We classify skin as “dry” due to a lack of natural oils (sebum). One of the first casualties of insufficient sebum is the moisture barrier, the very top layer of the epidermis. We can’t say enough about the importance of your moisture barrier! When it’s damaged, your skin can feel tight and itchy. The texture also suffers, looking rough and flaky. 


On the other hand, oily skin happens when the skin produces too much sebum. Oily skin is usually shiny, prone to breakouts and has enlarged, more visible pores. Excess sebum production can be an overreaction to dry skin, hormonal or genetic. 


If you have a combination skin type, you probably have different concerns in different areas. For most people, this means that their “T-zone” — their forehead, nose and chin — is oilier than the rest of their face, which can be either dry or normal. They may also have more visible pores and more frequent breakouts in those areas (instead of all over, like someone with an oily skin type may deal with). 


Just because you have “normal” skin doesn’t mean you can’t have skin concerns. Normal skin just means well-balanced skin — not too oily, not too dry and not too sensitive.


Some people classify sensitive skin as a skin type, as well. However, sensitive skin reactions can truly happen to anyone. (That doesn’t mean it’s not an important thing to know about your skin, though!)

But why does all that matter? Ultimately, the key to quality skin care is finding products that work with your skin instead of against it. If you have naturally dry skin, you wouldn’t want to use a product that dries it out even more, right? So, how often should you get a facial? That will depend on how your skin reacts to them and how long it takes to recover. 

How often should you get a facial for your skin type?

In addition to knowing your skin type (or at least understanding how your skin reacts), your personalized cosmetic treatment schedule will depend on what type of facial you’re interested in! Specific cosmetic treatments, like moderate-depth chemical peels, have a set recommended waiting period between sessions. Our providers will help you navigate that, so you don’t have to do it alone. 

For example, Gold Infusion facials and microneedling (with or without PRP) work best when done every 4 - 6 weeks. BBL photofacials, on the other hand, can often be done once weekly. The exact amount of time will depend on what your specific goals are, as well. You may only need a few more frequent treatments before switching to a maintenance schedule, so always defer to your provider’s advice.

Does anything else factor into how often you should get a facial?

Yes, your skin type is a significant factor, but there are other things to consider when planning your facial treatment schedule as well. While you can’t control them, you can take steps to lessen their impact on your skin.


The weather can definitely impact how often you should schedule your facials! Although this does go hand in hand with your skin type (and how it reacts to seasonal changes), things like the humidity level and temperature can also make a difference. If you live in a climate with extremely dry winter weather or unbearably humid summer weather, you’ll likely need to adjust accordingly. 


Stress can also wreak havoc on your skin! During times of higher stress (physical, mental or emotional), the body is flooded with hormones. Over time, these hormones can impact all sorts of things we take for granted, like dragging down the immune system and even causing high blood pressure and obesity.

Remember, the skin is also an organ. That’s why you may notice more breakouts than usual when you’re stressed out! What this means for your skin care routine is that you should be more on guard for worsening skin issues if you’ve got a lot of stress in your life. 


Anyone can have breakouts, even though people with oily or combination skin types may be more prone to them. Knowing your history and what ingredients or treatments may trigger a flare-up or “purge” can help you prepare. While you may never be able to stop your skin from breaking out, you can make sure you have the right products to minimize the severity. 


Skin care can get expensive. Although it’s worth it, having cosmetic treatments performed too frequently can be a waste of money! Take your provider's advice and wait the recommended amount of time between facials. This ensures that your skin has time to heal so that you can see the full results of your treatment and that you don’t get another, unnecessary treatment too soon. Spend your money wisely!

What should I know about at-home facials?

One of the best parts about modern skin care is its diversity! While in-office cosmetic treatments will provide the quickest, most effective results, at-home facials can also keep your skin looking and feeling its best (especially between appointments). 

At-home facials are also safe to use far more frequently than in-office treatments. For example, you can use our Clay Time charcoal mask 2-3x a week without overdoing it. Use it with a cleanser (both our Papaya Enzyme Cleanser and Gentle Soothing Cleanser do the trick), moisturizer and sunscreen for an effective, simple skin care routine. 

However, everyone’s skin is different. When you first start using any new product, don’t overdo it! Start with a patch test to verify that you aren’t going to react to any of the ingredients. Then, after your first complete application, make a note of how your skin feels! Does it feel tight and dry? Did it get red and itchy? While some of these mild side effects can be normal, give your skin time to heal before you do another round. It all comes back to protecting that precious moisture barrier! 

To sum things up...

How often should you get a facial? That depends on your skin! With a better understanding of your skin type and learning how it reacts to products and treatments, you can create the most supportive routine for your skin. When in doubt, don’t hesitate to reach out to us! Our providers would love to help you find the right combination for your uniquely beautiful skin. 


The skin: an indispensable barrier | Experimental Dermatology

Brain-Skin Connection: Stress, Inflammation and Skin Aging | PMC

How to test skin care products | AAD


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