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Sculptra in Lower Face: Before and After

Sculptra in Lower Face: Before and After

Sculptra has grown in popularity as a rejuvenating skin care treatment — and rightfully so.

Here at Skin Pharm, it's one of our many available treatment options. Today, we’ve got everything you need to know, including Sculptra before and after photos and what, exactly, these injections can do for your appearance. 

What is Sculptra?

Sculptra is a cosmetic injectable treatment that stimulates collagen production in the targeted areas. 

The main component in Sculptra is poly-L-lactic acid (also known as PLLA-SCA), which is biocompatible and biodegradable in the skin. In other words, it’s often more easily accepted by the skin than other materials.

Sculptra is touted as being a “three-dimensional filler.” It helps to restore lost volume, stimulate collagen production and create firmer, more youthful-looking skin. Although we’ll focus on how Sculptra can benefit the lower portion of your face, it can also be used around the temples, ears and cheeks — anywhere that you need additional collagen production.

Sculptra can be used on its own as an injection, or as an add-on to your microneedling appointment. Sculptra can also be combined with other cosmetic treatments, like Botox and dermal fillers. 

Known as “stacking” treatments, combining cosmetic treatments in the same appointment can help you get the precise results you’re looking for. When combined with a supportive skin care routine, the results can be more comprehensive and impressive. 

How many Sculptra treatments are generally needed?

Everyone’s skin is different, and everyone has different goals — so there isn’t a standard answer to how many treatments you’ll need to get the results you’re looking for. 

That said, for most people, it takes an average of two to three treatments, which are performed over the course of a few months. You’ll typically need to wait four to six weeks between treatments to give your skin time to heal and kickstart collagen production.

With this in mind, don’t expect to see an immediate, significant difference in your appearance — although there will be some change (especially if you stack your treatments), Sculptra’s results appear gradually. Be patient, and talk to your skin care provider if you have any concerns.

Why should I choose Sculptra?

Most clients who seek out Sculptra for their lower face generally do so to help address the look of jowls, or sagging skin that often occurs around the jawline, neck and under the chin.

The number one trigger for this excess skin is the aging process — as we age, our skin naturally loses elasticity due to a loss of collagen. As the amount of collagen in the skin decreases, you may notice thinner-looking skin, sagging skin and new fine lines and wrinkles (especially in areas of your face that are used repeatedly, like near your mouth and eyes).

To get the most out of your Sculptra treatments, it can be beneficial to talk to your doctor about discontinuing any medications or supplements that may thin your blood — like aspirin or NSAIDs. 

It can also be helpful to minimize your consumption of alcohol, caffeine and foods high in sodium and sugar 24 to 48 hours before your appointment. Doing this can help reduce the risk and severity of any post-treatment bruising or bleeding. 

Sculptra for the lower face: before and after

As you can see, appropriately placed Sculptra can make an incredible difference in the structure and appearance of your face. 

Not only does it immediately plump the treated area, but it continues to work afterward to promote collagen production and maintain the integrity of your results. The majority of clients see the most benefits between six and eight weeks following their treatment.

In fact, the results of Sculptra are some of the most long-lasting you can achieve without going under the knife. Most people find that their Sculptra injections last for about two years, and with the right at-home skin care products, you may be able to extend that even further.

What are some post-treatment recommendations for Sculptra?

After your Skin Pharm Sculptra treatment, following the right post-treatment recommendations can help you make the most of your results. 

In the first five days after your injections, it can be beneficial to gently massage the treated area for about five minutes. Unlike other injectable treatments that require you to be “hands off” after your appointment, massaging the areas treated with Sculptra can help ensure even distribution. 

It’s also crucial to follow any recommendations given to you by your Skin Pharm provider. Keeping up with the recommended number of treatments, for example, helps you maintain your results and keep your skin looking youthful. Don’t be afraid to contact your skin care provider with any questions or concerns.

In summary …

Sculptra before and after photos speak for themselves. When used appropriately and performed by a licensed skin care provider — like those at Skin Pharm — you’ll be able to rejuvenate and reinvigorate your skin.

For more recommendations on how to achieve your skin care goals, reach out to us today. From cosmetic treatments to skin care products you can use at home, we’ll create the perfect treatment plan to help you love the skin you’re in.

This article was medically reviewed by Chelsie Rogers, PA-C, a board-certified physician assistant with six years of experience in cosmetic dermatology.


Sculptra: a stimulatory filler | NIH

Poly-L-Lactic Acid | NIH

Sculptra: the new three-dimensional filler | PubMed

Collagen: A review on its sources and potential cosmetic applications | PubMed


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